Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Feature: Mollie from WildOlive

I'm so excited to introduce you to a fellow blogger who inspired my week long Marriage series. I got the idea from her :) She originally did it with "Family Week". I emailed her to let her know how adorable her style was and how she spurred a ripple effect. When I asked her if she'd want to do a feature over here at JM, she so sweetly accepted. 

So here she is. Miss Mollie from Wild Olive

Who are you and what do you do?
I am Mollie Johanson, and I blog at Wild Olive. It has taken me a while to admit that I'm an artist, but probably not in the way people often think. It's more who I am; who God made me to be. I do a lot of things, including graphic design, some illustration, and lots of crafty things. Embroidery is my favorite.

Where do you get your inspiration?
A lot of my artwork involves inanimate objects (which I add faces to), so I find inspiration everywhere. I love a blank piece of paper because it gets me to start thinking of ideas, and when all else fails, I start asking my family for assistance. They are always filled with creativity!

When did you start blogging and why did you start?
I've been blogging for almost 7 years now, although not nearly as regularly as I have for the past few. I started my blog to get me doing and thinking about things other than work. It continues to inspire me in the same way, but now my blog is a part of my work, and I love that.

What is your favorite post so far and why?
This has got to be the hardest question anyone has ever asked me! In somewhat recent posts, I wrote about paying tribute with my art, which is an idea that is close to my heart. Especially when it comes to honoring family.

What is one life lesson you'd want the world to know?
{The process is more important than the product.} 

Thank you Mollie! Thank you for creating so that we can enjoy. You are an artist!

Happy Friday! Take a run. Or eat some froyo ;)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Gone Fishing...

Ok not really but after this amazing weekend of singing 6 services, my voice and body are out of commission. 
I will be taking today off and a little of tomorrow. 
So peace out girl scouts. I love you and I'll talk to you soon.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

On this Day

Thousands of years ago, my Jesus rose from the dead. That act, miraculous in and of itself, did more than just wow the world.
He broke the bonds of slavery.
He set the captives free.
He shook the core of death and shattered it's relentless grasp on our souls.
He rose my friends. Yes, He rose.

*Follow our live Easter service updates and behind the scene photos here:*

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Obsessions: Anthropology Style

Last night my sister facebooked me this telling me how much so wanted to get it for me, but was afraid it'd be a bit creepy. [You all know about my giraffe fetish.] It's creepy, but I still love it. That then spiraled me into a wild romp around the store's website and I found some amazing things. And I wanted to share. Anthropology is one of my favorite stores that I haven't bought anything from :) 

I'm a bit of a cheapskate so spending a giant amount of money on anything is ridiculously heard for me. My husband loves it, but sometimes I wish I wasn't so hesitant to {save} and {spend} on quality home goods. One of these days. 

But until then, here's to wishing.
{1} The Non-Planner Journal: for the non-planning planner. It should be called the Julianna Morlet journal. Little Otsu presents a cheeky little journal with pre-printed prompts that help you to keep track of your research, lists, journal entries, secrets, ideas, venting, things to remember, things to forget.. {2} What to Eat notepad: In the event that i actually plan out our weekly meals, I'll use one of these. Maybe I should get one first and I'll be more motivated to plan. Jot down your mealtime plans for the week, whether your forte is cooking, going out or ordering in. There are also boxes to plan for lunches and snack attacks {3} Q & A Journal: I LOVE this journal. I don't have it, but I'm going to get it. I love making history and time capsules and memory books. I think this is something I'd want to write with my children in mind. This beautifully embellished journal lets you record thoughts, feelings, and events in your life over five years. Filled with prompts that are at turns provocative (How happy are you?), quirky (What can you smell right now?), and always interesting, it serves as a great way to look back in time and remember.

{4} Rosette Quilt Comforter: So pretty. Especially since I'm re-doing the colors in our room to grey and minty green [with some possible hints of yellow]. {5} Sethunya Sheet Set: Perfect for minty green eh? {6}One Lump or Two Lamp: How cute is this lamp?? I'd use a minty green or grey and white shade instead of the brown, but you get the idea. 

{7} Swimming Hole Ring Dish: Why you ask? Well, because it has a giraffe on it. That's why. {8} Hello, Goodbye DoorKnob: I've never seen anything like this. It's quite a conversation piece wouldn't you say? I am a fan of one of a kind products. {9} Illusorio Console: Aka, the coffee table. I have been aiming for the rustic look in my living room. Darker woods with the rusted iron gadgets. {10} Conservatory Chair Here's that rusty wood again, except with my accent colors: red and yellow and green tones. Nature is always a winner. {11} Battersea Sofette: In yellow. oh snap. How perfect is this couch? The slick and shininess is what grabbed my attention. Very romantic.

Happy Saturday!

PS.  I'll be tweeting in real time from all 5 Easter services this weekend. Follow me here.

Friday, April 22, 2011

#Follow #Friday

Oh snap the weekend is here and I am in love with this weather, no matter how bi-polar it is this year. When I moved back from college in the mid-west, I swore there were two things that would always bring me back to Cali no matter what: family and the weather. Sure its cheaper to live in other states, and sure there are beaches on the East Coast, but there's nothing like California. ::Sigh::

On that note, I have been "surfing" the web like a crazy person this last week. I've stumbled upon so many good blogs and etsy shops that I just couldn't wait for Follow Friday. So here are they. Grab a glass of lemonade and enjoy.

Happy Reading!

This girl is a designer. A good designer. I think I found her from someone else's blog roll [i should start keeping track of that!] but I initially visited her site because of the name ;) I love names but was pleasantly surprised at the content on her blog. I mean, how adorable are these little magnets. Small enough for those of us who like a clean fridge but still something ya know?

Speaking of magnets, this girl has these polariod ones! Ambrosia Girl is a graphic designer and a mom. A very deadly combo, especially for all you momma blog readers out there. She has some cute ideas of activities and projects for kidlets. 

Between her shop and her blog, you could spend a whole day with this girl. [Plus the music on her site is amazing. I leave it open just for that ;)] I go to this girl for inspiration and a little kick in the butt. This post has been a recurring visitor in my writing world. She teaches classes too! Check those out.

This girl is a blogging genius. She's super duper organized and shares her organization and techniques with us! For free! :) 

Of course I had to add a writing on in there. It's what my life is right now.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Writing Day: Un-Peeled Layers

Today I am inspired. Some call it over stimulated and they may be right, but I can't help it. I have so many things I wanna do but my book writing has been lacking these last couple of weeks so I have chosen to channel my inspiration in that direction. I am on the second layer chapter. Not like cake layers, more like onions. My layers are portions of my life that I was forced to deal with that I had covered up for so long. [Spoiler alert: I have too many of them ;) but I am writing about 4.] Today's is on the layer of false victory.

Do you have layers of stuff in your life you'd rather leave un-peeled? 

Do share [even if it's anonymous]. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Photo Shoot

So today I am doing a photo shoot for the blog and my e-course with my friend Em from Oopsy-daisy Photography. Here's just some teaser photos.

So excited!

Happy Tuesday. Eat some tacos.


That's a Wrap

So today is the last day of our "Week of Married Life" blog series. It's been fun collaborating with Pittstop and co-writing some of the days posts. It's also been fun to hear your stories and tidbits online and in person. I think overall, this week has served its purpose: to encourage others by showing that marriage is real, messy, imperfect, funny, and so not about us

I wanted to end this series with a mini-sermon by my favorite author on the topic of marriage. He authored the book This Momentary Marriage [which I highly recommend! Get it free here] which fits perfectly with the message we hoped to convey this week. Marriage is about the glory of God. It is the most explicit relationship we have on earth that so precisely displays the covenant love of God to His people. 

 In this video he is speaking on mine and Ty's favorite part of the book: The Compost Pile. 

*What and where is the compost pile in your marriage [or future marriage]? 
*Have you acknowledged it and will you choose to walk away? [Walking away is the hardest thing for me to do. Just sayin.]

Hope you were encouraged this week and we hope to do more series like this! Tell us what you want to read, learn, hear, laugh more about in the comment section or email

If you missed a post? Catch up here:
Today Was a Fairytale
Encouraging Your Husband
6 Things I've Learned in Marriage
A Forgiving Frenzy
He Said, She Said
In Ever Changing Seasons



PS. For all you engaged and dating lovelies, here is a good list by Piper for you to talk through with your significant other.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In Ever Changing Seasons

When one goes into marriage, no matter how many preventative measures one takes, expectations exist and expectations are not met. There are a big fat unexpecteds (that's not a real word. I made it up) in marriage. And that's ok. It's normal. We sometimes freak out when life (married or not married) changes or catapults into a new and unanticipated season, those feelings are normal but the season itself is normal too.

Ty and I are in an unexpected season of change. If you don't know us yet, we both work in ministry. We both lead worship. It is what initially introduced us to each other. It's what we're both passionate about. It's what we do.

But as of january 2011 we lead worship at two different churches on opposite sides of our city. It's just for a season but we don't know how long that season is yet. Yet, in a time where we should be the most disconnected, I believe Gods grace has been sufficient. With all my heart I believe that. It's still really hard; especially when I sat through the marriage series without my dear husband. I was a little sad, but that sadness quickly evaporated when I envisioned the faces of the people he was blessing at that moment. My husband is a powerful worship leader. His heart for the Church comes through in anything and everything he does. And if I really believe that God leads us and guides the direction of our lives, then I rest in knowing He is using my Ty to do His will. And that my friends, makes me a proud wife.

Moral of the story: we're learning this with you. Some seasons of marriage are just plain inconvenient and difficult. But Gods grace is sufficient. And this too will pass.

{Ty @ Covenant Grace}

{me @ Rancho Community}

What season is your marriage in?


Ps. Don't forget to add your funny marriage story to the last post!

Friday, April 15, 2011

He Said, She Said-Link Up

*This post is a part of our A Week of Married Life collaboration series on A PittStop and JM. For the previous posts go here.*
I love hearing the funnies of marriage. So today's post is a link up! [definition of "link up": a place where you can link your own blog on my blog so others can enjoy.] Here's what you do:

#1. So write a post [or use a past one] of a funny story in your marriage, it can be about anything and everything marriage related. Put "Married Life Funnies" either in the title line or opening sentence of your post so we know its the right one. 

#2. Then, insert the link to your specific blog post below. Don't just put your site address, otherwise we'll have to search for the post and we'll never do it ;) To get the specific link, click on your post and copy the link in your internet browser. 

*If you don't have a blog, write your story in the comment section. It'll fit, don't worry.*

At the end of the A Week of Married Life series, Amber and I will pick two stories we loved and you'll get a little surprise from us in the mail! [hint: it's good!] 

This is gonna be fun. Feel free to pass this post along [via email, twitter, or FB] to friends and those you know have funny stories!

Here's ours...

Happy writing!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Catchin Up

Today i got an email from a new wifey and it made me smile. In response to this post, she told me she was glad to hear she wasn't the only one out there. I remember that feeling and the weight that was lifted when I came to that joyous starking truth. It's not just us. ::relief::

If you're coming in late, here's the catch up links.
Today Was a Fairytale
Encouraging Your Husband
6 Things I've Learned in Marriage
A Forgiving Frenzy

See ya tomorrow!


A Forgiving Frenzy

*This post is apart of our A Week of Married Life collaboration series on A PittStop and JM. For the previous posts go here.*

Today's post is from A Pittstop again! :) However there's been a bit of an update. Remember in this post how I said she was 9+ months preggo? Quinn arrived Tuesday night and he is the most adorable little guy ever. Full head of hair and all. Congrats Amber & Andrew!
- - - 

Frenzy: (n) wild excitement or derangement

Why I am calling this blog post a frenzy: b/c when I read Colossians 3:13 “Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” I want to literally jump up & down and be faulted against just so that I can say, “it’s ok! I love you and totally forgive you! I have no power or right on earth to act any differently!” But, I don’t. Do any of us initially do this?? Although there is without a doubt great liberation in forgiving one another, a wounded ego is often one of the most difficult, hurtful and sometimes even agonizing experiences we can hold on to. It may not be the right emotion to carry with us, but it is the truth that many of us have to deal with.

On the topic of marriage: Is it just me or is it harder and maybe even a slower process to forgive your husband than it is to forgive your friends? We’ve already learned from the blog post on “Encouraging the Husband” that our marriage relationship is the most important relationship and the relationship that should have top priority that God has deemed us with while on earth. So why the resentment and turtle—moving process to forgive him when we’re wronged? Why aren’t we quick to remember “just as Lord forgave me, so must I forgive my husband?” 

It would be easy to consider and analyze this question, but let’s attempt something different instead—my question to you is this: what is the gospel? While it has many dimensions, we know intuitively that it is God’s grace in forgiving our sins, right? New idea here: Just as quickly as we can reflect the truth of the gospel (or sins being forgiven), let’s now engrave and embed in our hearts that as we have been forgiven, so must we forgive. 

Make it gospel to yourself and within your heart. Forgiveness isn’t about “He’s not forgiving me over this so I don’t have to.” This all too familiar thought process is not justification for our choosing not to forgive, but rather in our hearts we are being called to love, forgive & forget. God holds each of us responsible on how we react, not how our husband reacts toward us when faulted.

C.S. Lewis said it well: 
If God forgives us, we must forgive others. Otherwise it is almost like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal than him.” 

This is so true—and convicting. When we choose not to forgive, in turn we are choosing to punish somebody and attempt to make them still feel downcast and defeated, when in fact, we know the complete opposite is true: [if they are a follower of Christ] they have already been forgiven of their sin and seen as righteous in Christ. 

This is a hard one, I know. But let us strive towards this way of thinking and living. Let us spur one another on towards this goal of a forgiving frenzy. 


Amber @ A PittStop

Forever and ever and ever.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

6 Lessons I've Learned in Marriage

*This post is apart of our A Week of Married Life Series on JM. For the previous posts go here*

Let me just preface this post with you can do all the prep you want, but nothing really prepares you for marriage except marriage itself. There are practical preparations of course, and conversations that need to be had before, but I have always wondered why they do pre-marital counseling and not post-marital counseling. Or maybe we're the only ones in the whole world to need it after we tied the knot. Ty and I  were well aware of our issues going into marriage, but when infatuation takes a little break, reality [and some lies] sets in. I have come to realize that marriage is a phenomenon many will never fully understand. Or at least will take our entire lives to get remotely close to figured out. 
With that, here are the top {five} lessons I've learned since being married. 

6. Boys are just as weird as we all assume they are.
They really do burp and fart and leave the toilet seat up every single time they use the bathroom. They make normal everyday routines look like full contact sports. Let's take brushing your teeth as an example. When girls brush their teeth, they do just that, brush. When guys brush they mow down their teeth. I think I've bought minimum of 50 tooth brushes since our wedding day.

5. It's ok to have to ask for help.
In fact, I highly recommend it. I thought asking for help during our first 4 months of marriage meant we were destined for failure. How could the honeymoon be over that fast?? But when we found out we weren't alone, it was like the flood gate to peace opened up. We are normal. There is a very small chance that anyone can make a marriage work with just the two people who exchanged vows. I would even be as bold to say the chances are slim to none. We needed people, older & wiser, people in our life to tell us whether or not we're normal, encourage us to do better, encourage us to forgive and apologize, and kick us in the tantrum booty every once in a while. This one is not an option for a healthy marriage. 

4. Talk about everything.
When the pros say that communication is key, they're not over exaggerating. Money, friends, children, household duties, work, school, intimacy, feelings [especially hurt ones], food, parents, in-laws, siblings, holidays, priorities, and anything else you can think of. Make your expectations of each other known. When I verbalized stuff like that, I quickly realized one of two things: 1) I am leaving no room for assumption on Ty's part and that's good or 2) My expectations are ridiculous and I need to get over myself. haha. In a nice way :) Verbalizing is powerful. 

3. I am not a natural wife. Ty is not a natural husband.
Like most everything else, we have to learn how to be a good spouse to one another. I remember when Ty and I were up ridiculously late having a never-ending argument and I prayed, God, if this is relationship is so glorifying to You, why the heck did you have to make it so difficult? It was almost a rhetorical question. But over the last [almost] two years of marriage, Ty and I have slowly but surely given each other permission to fail because we're not pros at this thing yet. And that's ok. It's even more ok when I fail and feel comforted by the abundance of grace and patience that Ty demonstrates. He knows I'm not good at this yet. And he's ok with that. 

2. "I'm sorry" is my most frequent phrase. 
This is especially hard for me. I am a naturally prideful person and so admitting that I was wrong or admitting that I hurt my husband takes everything in me. I've met people that are naturally apologetic people. They have no problem admitting their wrongs. I pray God makes me like that someday. In our marriage, we try to be quick apologizers. Even if we think we're still right, we make sure to apologize for the lack of acknowledging the other's feelings or our lack of respect [and when I say "our" I mean "my"]. 

1. God gave us an amazingly wonderful way to show His glory.
God designed that institution of marriage for one reason: to show His love for the Church. A man is to love his wife as Christ loves the Church. And the wife is to serve her husband as the Church serves Christ. And though marriage is alot of work, it was the best decision of my life. Tyson Morlet is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love him more today than I did last June and the June before that. We are a team and together have made it our goal to do our best in showing the glory of God through our marriage. And having fun at it of course. 

Now it's your turn: What lessons have you learned or heard of in marriage?


^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

Reader Faves.