Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekend Links

// This is the one portion of my blog where I get to tell you all the crazy, fun, beautiful, and random things I've been reading, seeing, hearing and obsessing about throughout the week. In no particular order. -JM // 
I was scouring Pinterest this week for apartment ideas and this picture made me crack up. That poor mom. (Pinterest)

Never thought I would say this, but I love everything about this post. Still totally using my aluminum full deodorant and shaving my armpits, but I still love it. (Jeremy + Kathleen)

I hear consensus on Moleskin Journals is that everyone loves them for everything. This tutorial made me want to buy 10 of them and convert them into planners I will probably never use. But it'd be fun! (Kyla Roma)

Anyone who ever comments about anything, ever should read this article. I especially love this line: "I do not believe that personal right ever trumps personal responsibility." (Lisa Whittle) 

If you're a creative person, you'll wanna frequent this blog. She is where I get a good chunk of my inspiration. (ElsieCake)

I use this site everyday. Cleanest to-do list I've ever had. (TeuxDeux)

This dress is everything I believe. Okay not really, but it's yellow and I love it. (Nasty Gal)

I mentioned this in my Mother's Day post, but this blog and this blog rocked me this week. 

I love Summer so much (especially in SoCal!) so I'm giving ad spots away at 20% off :) Go to the link below and use the promo code: SummerLovin ( If you have a shop, a business, a blog, a family farm, well then Happy Birthday!
And last for this weekend, a video of a new favorite singer girl I've been listening to. Stacy King in Sucre. 

Happy Weekend ~ What are you up to this weekend?? Come hang out on Twitter or Facebook.
^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

Reader Faves.