November round-up coming at ya! Here are some of my favorite posts from last month all in one post! Just click on the photo to read. ~
My singing course went live this month! You can now take voice lessons in the comfort and "hiddenness" of your own home. And it's less expensive than live lessons.
A question of success based on my friend Shannon's book.
What happens what the drum shield falls on your drummer in the middle of church? Oh goodness...
My new favorite author :)
Sometimes there's nothing left to say, and when that happens, I will simply tell the truth.
The Rumor Weed: Let's talk this out.
One last retreat for the Fall. Calvary Chapel Bible College grounds are to die for!
A writing prompt that rocked me this month.
Dear Civil Wars: The best concert I've been to ever.
My entry over at She Seeks this month was based on seeing the real reality. Not the fake ones.
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for...
God's mercies are new every morning. Every. Single. Morning.
The dream that is Santa Monica. It's a big one.
Welcome December. Can't wait to see what you have in store.