Monday, May 30, 2011

Retreat Session Pt. 1: Broken People

**Some of you have been asking me to post a blog series on my session I gave at the RCC  Women's retreat. I was honored and thought it was an absolute splendid idea. I had so much more I wanted to say and ran out of time so this is the perfect opportunity to get it all out! :) Here's Pt. 1. I'll try to do a couple post of it the next 2 weeks.**

I am here more so to humour you than to teach you with my little baby 23 years of lessons and experiences. I was given 2 very big topics and I was grateful to teach on them until this past month or so when the Lord decided I’d teach better if my emotions were more raw and fresh.

I know God has done something here this weekend that the enemy tried very hard to destroy. I wrote Satan a letter the other day on my blog giving him props because his tactics were very much targeted, specific, and potent to my current season of life. I was discouraged and broken and weary and out of control this week. But thank God almighty that the war has already been won!

In fact, the irony of this message is that I had to re-live it in order to teach it this morning. SO if there was every any doubt about the truthes about to be explored this morning, they have been vanished because I am here, teaching, confidently and empowered. 

--This was my intro to my session at the women's retreat. It had been a very hard week, emotionally, physically, and spiritually but God was faithful to let my exhaustion not be in vain. So many women come forward just to tell me that everything I had revealed about my week, my pain, my struggles, and my out-of-control emotions [blogged on that one here] was as if I was speaking about them. They knew what I was talking about and were floundering, just like me, for any ounce of rest. 

But God.

Yes, He knew what He was doing.

I would not have been able to encourage nor motivate those women had I not felt what they felt. I say it all the time, broken people only listen to broken people. We listen to those we most relate to, feel like, think like, and experience life like. 

We find our hope through Real People with Real Lives and Real Victories. 

So this is my challenge to you and to me::

Be real with someone in your life this week. Tell them what you're feeling and what you're thinking and give them that opportunity to respond with, "Me too!" or "I thought I was the only one!" Crazy things happen when we let down our masks of perfection. We begin to really see that no one is perfect and we're all more alike than we care to admit. 

It's ok that we're broken. Because God loves us. That's it. 


^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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