Friday, August 13, 2010

I Am Broken

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17 (NIV)

Brokenness. Such a word comes with automatic connotations. Defeated. Messed up. Unfixable. Yet that is the very state God desires His people to be in. Isn't that odd? When something is broken, we usually get rid of it or throw it away. But God says, no actually I want you broken because it is then that My hand is clearly seen by those around you.  That way the world knows, whatever is coming out of that girl {grace, love, freedom, courage, strength, celebration, joy, etc} cannot be from her because in her life, there is no reason to celebrate. No reason to be joyful. Yet, she is. She genuinely is. 

Think about it. 

Are you broken? 

If not, what walls have you put up and do you have a desire to tear those down?

Are you broken? 

If so, are you allowing God to do His work through you? Or are you in despair?

I am broken. And I confess that I have not allowed God to work through me as He desires. So I'm right there with you. Let's open up. Spill it out. Let it be healed by God's hand only. That way, the world will know we are His and only His. 

^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

Reader Faves.