Studio days are long and exhilarating. It's like you are watching something so uniquely and intricately formed right before your eyes.
From 7PM to Midnight, we tracked almost all the female vocals (leading and backgrounds), in a non-airconditioned room (because of the buzz it made), with one trip to Starbucks and another to In N Out. Girls' gotta eat.
We are so humbled to be recording with such phenomenally talented people. ^^This is Chels, and she leads in Antioch Temecula. She has the pipes of a Diva Queen and the spirit of an angel. And the loudest laugh I've ever heard. Seriously. She wakes kids in other counties ;)
Tyson and our friend (and amazing bassist) are co-producing this first album. "Producing" sounds so authoritative but this project really has been a collaborative effort between all the musicians and vocalists and our engineer. We couldn't have asked for a better team.
The album should be ready for download August 15! But don't worry, I'll keep reminding you.
Meanwhile, here's a little blooper from my session this week. I hit some sour notes so please feel free to judge. It happens. (And Ps. that's my favorite song on the album! Sung by Chelsea. Finally a fast song for girls! :)