Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fighting for Love

Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Seeing so many people come and celebrate with us this fight for love, my heart melted more than once. The night started out very cold and rainy. I feared people wouldn't come because of the inconvenient weather. But that just wasn't the case. We had an amazing opener, Miss Jockii, who did a fabulous job. I loved the Ukelele. 

 We had a "plethora" of cupcakes, thanks to dear friends and family. All of them were decorated so cute and appropriately :) 

And we sang our little hearts out.

Passionately belting my new song :) Recording coming soon! I think.

I am not ok with all this pain and sorrow
we must choose today to make a new tomorrow
One girl one girl, one girl at a time
This fight just became mine.

This was my first ever attempt at wearing sequins. It was a little nerve wracking, but if there's any time or place one could wear sequins, it's at a birthday or concert right? 

And did you see my gorgeous choir girls in the back?? All of them talented musicians [yes, Jo, you are a musician!] and all of them have sweet sweet voices. They sang the finale song with me. It was a tear jerker. 

So thank you all who came and made this evening possible. I couldn't have done it without you:
-Kandis, Chelsea, Shereena, Alicia, Jenn, Crystal-Lee, Amanda, Jess, Amber, Rayna, Genee, Dierdre, Brittany, thank you for slaving over your cupcakes.
-Ed and Sydney for helping decorate :) 
-Della, Joanna, Erica, Jockii, and Crystal-lee, thank you for sharing your voices.
-Brian and Adam, thanks for running sound and lights. The show literally depends on you... :) 
-Bob for taking care of the kiddos!
-Andrew for setting up the genius donation bar. Seriously genius.
-My mom and dad for raising me to believe in goodness and justice for the glory of God. 
-Kenny, Danny, Justin and Andrew for playing with us. It is seriously a blessing to have such amazingly talented [and flexible] musicians in my life. I appreciate you guys. Even though I throw last minute songs in the mix...
-And last but definitely not least, my Ty, for believing in this cause and fighting with me. Love you.

I am full with thankfulness. I am full with peace.

^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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