Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Obsessions: Thrift Stores+Books for Writers

It always intrigued me that people write books for other people who are writing books.

And you could say, I'm obsessed with those books.

I've read numerous books on the topic and all share the same common denominators. Ones that I cannot seem to grasp yet. They all encourage new writers to let the stories write themselves, read ALOT, and practice. 


The last book I read on writing was that one by Julia Cameron I mentioned a while ago. It was incredibly down to earth and practical. What I appreciated most about her work is that she looks at being a writer just like a normal part of life. Very few things comes naturally to people and very few people are natural at writing. So her whole point is that if only the natural writers actually wrote, we'd have hardly any books to enjoy and educate us. Hmmmm.

Writing is weird because I feel like I'm writing all the time, especially with this blog. But I don't have a test or a scale to figure out if my writing is getting better and more comprehensive or not. I need a book on that :) I have been scouring thrift stores [side note: I heart thrift stores] for new books to read. Old books, new books, pretty much anything under the categories of literature, psychology [even textbooks], or writing. 

In fact, I got two new ones yesterday for $.50 each! One was Readings for Writers [originally a $40 book] and one was on Family Dynamics [originally a $20 book]. [You can get those through my bookstore.] 

So today I am going to read. Not write. Just read, head deep into my new books, because I want to fill my mind and then exercise that practice. Ooo, I just got really excited to be inspired. 

Do you ever get excited for inspiration??

Happy Saturday! Hope you have a splendid weekend.


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