Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Will Never Forget the Other Side of Motherhood

I have resisted the idea of Mommy-Blogger. I once went to a conference, having no idea how deep and wide the Mommy Blogger identification went, I was bombarded  overwhelmed by them.  

But now, I am a mom. No getting around that. 

I think mom thoughts, like how if we have a girl she won't date til she's 32. 
I feel mom feelings, like how love is showing up in quantities I didn't know existed.
I see mom sights, like this adorable stroller I will kill for. 
And so on. 

But I will also never forget the other side. 

I will never forget what it feels like to read someone's pregnancy announcement and cry tears of joy and longing in the same flow. 

I will never forget what it feels like to see my ugly crying face in the bathroom mirror because my period came, once again. 

I will never forget what it feels like to want something so bad, that without it you're not sure who you will be.

I know what it feels like to be broken, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. 
I know what it feels like to be angry, at something completely out of your control. 
I know what it feels like to be hurt, by a God you've ascribed your whole life to.

But I also know what it feels like to have hope. Not just because I got pregnant, but because I was always a mother. Whether in 2012 or 20 years from now, by conception or adoption. 

I am someone's mother and you, all of you whose stories I've read and cried over... 

You are too. 

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The Girl that Sings blog won't turn into mommy-dom, but I'll post updates, stories and topics of motherhood I'm wrestling through once a week on Thursdays if you care to enjoy~
^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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