Thursday, October 18, 2012

Jeremiah 33:3 - (Day Fourteen)

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Journal Entry from November 30, 2011--
God, I pray for your will to be done above all in this move to Los Angeles. Above all! We only want what You desire for us in life. However, you do ask us to come boldly before You, so that's what I'm going to do. I am "calling to [You] so that [You] will answer [me] and tell [me] great and unsearchable things [I] do not know." Things that You are going to do. Mighty things. 
Here is what I am asking. 
-Our Car: We want to go to Santa Monica once a month to visit our team but our truck will cost us too much money with gas. Will you provide a way there? Whether by $$ or carpool or other means? 
-Timing: Show us when You want us to move. You'll make it clear right? We want to go now, but a lot of things have yet to fall into place. We are waiting on You. 
-Leader's Blessing: God we can't leave without the blessings of our bosses, our families and our mentors. Please pave that way.  
-Our Home: We need a place to live for an affordable $$. It seems impossible to double our rent on less salary, but we know that if You called us, You will provide. Please place us in a home that can serve many. A home that will be welcoming to friends and strangers alike. Show me how to care for and manage a household so that all feel served.
-Opportunities: We are for connection and ministry opportunities even now. Connect us so that we won't flounder when we move. Prepare us through people now, so that then it will be fruitful. 
You are good. And I love the way You love us. -Amen
In the last 12 months, every single request has been fulfilled. Every. Single. One. I wish I could say I trusted God fully in the moments of questioning but despite my faithlessness, He is still faithful. (Halle-freakin-luia!)

Our car was replaced with a gas efficient car that functioned perfectly for what we need.

Timing was spot on, as the school year ended, families were settled, jobs came to a close and apartment prices were low(er).

Leadership blessed and sent us out, far quicker and more freely than we had ever anticipated. 

We found an apartment in the middle of the city, down music row, for a price we didn't know we could afford. It is bigger than we imagined and even the details of crown moulding made me cry. 

Opportunities have been innumerable. From people we've partnered with, random friendship that have evolved, churches that have taken us under their wings, and a homeless population that have become our weekly dinner dates. 

Our God is more than good and like Jeremiah 33:3, He will show us great and mighty things. Ask Him. Boldly ask Him, right now, for whatever's on your heart. He may or may not give it, but know that His answer will show you great and mighty things.

I cannot imagine what lies ahead for all of us. 

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**If you're just joining us, first you'll notice I'm behind. But we don't talk about that ;) For the month of October, I'm sharing 31 verses that changed my life. Do you have some too? Share them with us on Facebook!
^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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