Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy First Father's Day

"Men should always change diapers. It’s a very rewarding experience. It’s mentally cleansing. It’s like washing dishes, but imagine if the dishes were your kids, so you really love the dishes.” —Chris Martin

To the Dad who loves doing both; dishes and diapers, that is.

From day one, you have served our girl with your whole heart. Before she was even a thought, I knew you were a man with an insatiable ability to love and a bottomless well of servanthood.

But when she arrived, when I saw you calm that little screaming squishy newborn with just the firmness and gentleness of your voice, I knew I was about to experience a new you. 

You were still you, but fuller.

Fatherhood has made you more whole. 

I know I frequently tell you I can't image our life without Baby Girl Mo, but today I want to tell you I can't imagine you without her. 

The way she snuggles your face and smiles the instant you catch her eye. I love watching her, but these days, I love watching you more. 

You're different, and she's the one who changed you. 

I look through pictures of pre-dad Ty and smirk at that baby face, la-la land, love bird. He's handsome, he's ambitious, he's determined and courageous. He's the man I fell in love with. He's the man that swept me off my feet at 1000 miles per hour. And I love him for it. 

But the you of today--the father, the husband--I love him more because he's all those things in a much more fierce, yet anchored way. 

She caught you. She grew you. She moved you in a way no one could.

You are the father Symphony will be proud to call her own. You will find the balance between being the good cop and bad cop. You will bust down the cultural norm of "dumb dad." You will stand guard over your family like a lion and his pride. You will walk our family through any dark valley and carry us up and over any mountain you aren't able to move with your bare hands. 

Why am I confident of this, you ask? 

Because I know that God is for you. I've seen it. I've watched it. I've seen you sift through faith and faith sift through you, and you've come out the other end, brighter. It's as if, like the writer of Psalms, your face radiates your communion with God. 

I am honored to be raising our girl alongside you. I couldn't imagine doing it any other way. 

Happy First Father's Day babe ~ We'll try to make it a good one. 

^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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