Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Winning in Worship Leading

What defines a "win" in worship?

As a worship leader, what allows me to sit back and think, yea, that went well. I think we hit the mark there. 

In other words, what is the standard? Or can there even be?

I use to believe the quality of worship couldn't be accurately judged because it was a matter of the heart and only God judges that. However, I am learning that while the idea contains truth, it doesn't make it entirely true. 

A leader is qualified by whether or not he/she has followers. If no one is following us, we may not be leading well. 

My exploration on this topic was initially sparked by a fellow blogger who stated: When you deal with subjective deliverables without defining the win in leading people into worship, a vacuum for immaturity grows.

I confess I am more excited and energized in worship leading when the congregation with singing and participating with me. I get discouraged when I feel as though I am performing because the voices aren't as loud. But who’s to say that people aren't worshipping in silence?

I do think that often times I have minimized the importance of prayer and the work of the Holy Spirit in our worship services. Ultimately, our jobs, as worship leaders, are a mute point without Him moving and stirring the hearts' of the people. He turns hearts from hard rock stone to flesh that feels (Ez 36:26). Not us. It’s important for the team and people put that at the forefront of our minds.

As for defining a win, right now I think my answer would be, if people are singing and actively engaging in worship in some way, then that’s win. 

We don’t know their hearts, but I think the responsibility lies on the worship leader to guide their congregation in worship through truth and song. Bringing to light passages like Ephesians 4-5:20; teaching them the unity we all have in Christ and a way to encourage one another in the unity is through music. Through song. Through hearing the voices of brothers and sisters who are going through trials yet still singing praise to God because of the confidence in who He is and what He has done for us. 

And if we don’t have that confidence, we'll look across the room and see Mr. and Mrs. So-and-So, who we know are going through hell and back, still raising their voices to God. How can we not be encouraged by that?

Worship Leaders need to coach, with all humility and vulnerability, their congregations in the purpose of corporate singing in order to fight off immaturity and promote unity. 

It's possible and powerful to see a congregation worshipping, together, visibly. It just takes relationship, truth and a little push to get us there.

A worship leader is a guide, taking people to places they've never been. (Tweet?)

A worship leader leads a congregation along a journey of truth about what they're seeing, feeling, hearing and how to experience it fully.

A worship leader leads people to Jesus and if they see and experience Him, that's a win.

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What do you think? Whether you're a worship leader or a worshipper, what defines a "win" for you? When you walk away from a worship service, what makes you think yea, I was totally worshipping today.

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Are you reading this as a women in worship, or do you have women on your team? Come hang out with me and talk more on this topic and others like it in my Worship Coaching Program

^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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