Weekend Links
Pinterest has been a huge and amazing distraction this week. From resetting the house, to realizing I need more real food ideas (not just desserts, yikes!), to Smashbook ideas (have you heard of Smahbooks? You should!)
I'm not a huge reader, but I know after Baby Mo is born, I'll be even less so. I'm trying to catch up on my must reads until June :)
-Just finished: Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God
(Loved the stories)
-Just started: A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband "Master"
(Oh yea, this is gonna be good)
Best Youtube I saw this week, hands down. Have you seen this kid?? She's adorable!
My friend from afar is a gorgeous artist and she's giving you a background for February! Use it~ (Thorn & Sparrow)
A stereotypical run down of female worship leader must-haves. This isn't serious. Kind of. But not really. But kind of. (Stuff Christians Like)
Did anyone else belt Crystal Lewis' "I Now Live" at the top of their lungs as a child?? Yea, me neither. But hey she has a blog now! And she's super cute still.
If these tattoos or these tattoos showed up in my Valentines Day card I wouldn't be bummed. (Tattly)
This post made me want to buy tons and tons of plants. How do they do that?! (A Beautiful Mess)
What are you up to this weekend? IKEA trip anyone? - - -
^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.
Reader Faves.
* UPDATE Y'ALL , what they're up to now :) To My Dear Brother, Today you are getting married. My little brother...
1. Be confident. Some would say that this should come first and confidence second, seeing that knowing your stuff would build more confid...
Reading is tough for me. I'm not a quick reader and quite frankly, I get bored. I don't read fantasy or science fiction. Or rea...
Dear Sisters, I'm sorry. Tonight, at this year's VMA Awards, every young girl in the world was sent a message we've been try...
// This is the one portion of my blog where I get to tell you all the crazy, fun, beautiful, and random things I've been reading, seeing...
I used to fantasize about being married. Not about having a house, a white picket fence, a steady job, and a beautiful wife and adoring ...
So, I can finally un-secret my Baby Pinterest Board. Man Version of this Story: We're pregnant. Woman Version of this Story: ...
Dear Pastor's Wives, You are one of the few types of wives that assume more than just your husband's last name. Simi...
1. Passion can't be taught; It is learned. I didn't figure this one out until I began raising up worship lead...
"Before I pick up the guitar or sit at the keyboard, I’ve been ' writing ' by feeding on the stuff I do want to mark my life...