Tonight was a night of mixed emotions. Some college girl friends and I decided to get together before the tides of life rolled once again. One of us moving out of state, one just recently married, one just finished basic training, and two finishing college. Now, these aren’t just any college friends. They are the college friends that have sown seeds of love, laughter, hope, and friendship in my heart forever. The friends that would come and wake me up for our 7:15 AM class when my alarm just happened to not go off. The friends that took me on a surprise trip to the beach in the middle of January after a break-up. The friends that made me a gigantic sun out of construction paper because they knew I missed the California sunshine. The friends that had a valentine’s party, just us five single girls. (We had the coolest heart shorts too!) The friends that come alongside you when they know you are struggling, just to hold you and hurt with you. They make your heart full. These are the kind of friends that I wish, hope, and pray everyone would have.