Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Psalm 55:22 - (Day Twelve)

It was 3:30 in the afternoon. I was sitting outside the choir room, reading over my Bible homework. The assignment was on the Psalms and as I flipped to the designated passage (that I cannot recall now), Psalm 55:22 caught my eye. Specifically the last part. 

Cast your burden on the Lordand He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

What do you mean You "will never permit the righteous to be moved"? I asked. Does that mean like, physically moved? Or emotionally? Because if that's the case, I'm either not righteous or not understanding what You're saying. 

The answer, was both. 

"You are not righteous my child, He said, reminding me of Romans 1. "On your own. You and I are separated by a chasm of debt. Debt that grieved me so greatly, I took it upon myself to pay it. With my Son. He died for you and the world around you. But you knew that already didn't you?"

Yes, my heart whispered.

"Did you also know," He said as He continued speaking to my heart, "Jesus' death wasn't the end? He could have stayed in the grave and still paid for the sin of man. But, He didn't. I raised Him. I raised Him as the catalyst for freedom and the end of death. I revived Him so that My people would know, in Us, there is a confidence, a redemption and a life to be lived abundantly. Without chains, without fear or worry. In Us, there is a life to be lived, unmoved."

I want that, I begged. 

"Then seek Me. Cast your burdens on Me. I will take them and use those stones to build a foundation of faith beneath you. One that cannot be moved." 

It is easy for me to assume every person reading this blog is a Christian or if they're not, they at least know what they're getting when they come here. 

But I can't do that today. I think I need to be a little bolder than I've been and ask you, where are you with God today? 

There is no "right" answer, in this context at least. It could be, I have no idea  or that relationship is non-existent. But if there's any ounce of questioning in you, anything that desires to know Him or about Him further, will you email me? I want to talk with you. Not at you. With you. 

There is a God, He loves you very much, and will build in you a foundation of faith that cannot be moved. I promise. 

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*If you're just joining us, first you'll notice I'm behind. But we don't talk about that ;) For the month of October, I'm sharing 31 verses that changed my life. Do you have some too? Share them with us on Facebook!
^^^Opinions, two-cents, questions and ramblings are welcome. And go above. Go ahead. Try it.

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